Man’s Threefold Nature: His Will – Volume 3

Man’s Threefold Nature: His Will – Volume 3

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Quick Overview

Through freewill choice, Adam male and female joined their will to Leviathan’s proud will. This caused the human will to be filled with the serpent’s Pride of Revelation, which produces the evil fruit of idolatry, witchcraft, variance, emulations, seditions, and heresies; the Pride of Redemption, which produces the evil fruit of hatred, wrath, strife, envy, murder; and the Pride of Satisfaction, which produces the evil fruit of adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, drunkenness, and revellings.

Man’s Threefold Nature: His Will – Volume 3

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Through freewill choice, Adam male and female joined their will to Leviathan’s proud will. This caused the human will to be filled with the serpent’s Pride of Revelation, which produces the evil fruit of idolatry, witchcraft, variance, emulations, seditions, and heresies; the Pride of Redemption, which produces the evil fruit of hatred, wrath, strife, envy, murder; and the Pride of Satisfaction, which produces the evil fruit of adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, drunkenness, and revellings. We have a choice to recognize the inherited, unholy union of our will with the corrupt nature of Leviathan’s will, and to give this unholy union to the LORD Jesus Christ for crucifixion and mortification. Then, we can receive Christ’s resurrection Power, which reclaims our human will from Leviathan’s power of death. After the unholy union with Leviathan’s will is broken, our will can be joined to the LORD’s pure Holy Will. The new union of our cleansed will with Christ’s Holy Will produces the fruits of the Spirit. Christ’s holy Will consists of His Redemption of His Love, Joy, Peace, and Goodness; His Will of Revelation of His Longsuffering, Gentleness, and Goodness; and His Will of Satisfaction of His Faith, Meekness, and Temperance.

Additional Information

SKU PS-8811c
Cover Type HardCover
Pages 341
Free Shipping No

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