Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

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  1. Dragon Spirits’ Warfare Against Believers In Christ

    Dragon Spirits’ Warfare Against Believers In Christ

    This study is prepared especially for prayer warriors. Fallen Lucifer, who is now known as Satan, stands against Christ by Leviathan’s power as the Devil, the Serpent, and the Dragon. Lucifer and Leviathan are created creatures. They are not omnipresent beings. In order for Leviathan to carry on his perpetual warfare of oppression against God and His children, his dragon nature has equipped and trained an army of fallen dragon-spirits, who go forth at his command to war against God’s people in a prideful effort to prevent them from attaining spiritual maturity in the Stature of Jesus Christ. Learn More
  2. Jacob's Warfare

    Jacob's Warfare

    Do you want to live a victorious Christian Life? Then, read this booklet that reveals the ten classes of Jacob’s spiritual warfare in which he gained total victory for his life. Learn More
  3. LORD And His Good Serpent Armies Vs. Leviathan And His Evil Serpent Armies

    LORD And His Good Serpent Armies Vs. Leviathan And His Evil Serpent Armies

    The more information we have about our spiritual enemies who try to destroy our relationship with our gracious LORD, the better equipped we are to prevail over them in prayer and in the Word of God. Learn More
  4. Lucifer


    When God originally created Lucifer, the Son of the Morning, He placed him as an anointed Cherub over His holy, spiritual Mount Zion in Heaven. Learn More
  5. Lucifer’s Army, The Power Behind Fortune-telling, Charms, And Demons

    Lucifer’s Army, The Power Behind Fortune-telling, Charms, And Demons

    After the angel Lucifer sinned and was expelled from Heaven, he retained some of his power and wisdom to war against God’s Kingdom. One-third of the angelic beings in Heaven followed fallen Lucifer in his rebellion against God’s Purposive Will. Learn More
  6. Армія Люцифера (Ukranian - Lucifer's Army)

    Армія Люцифера (Ukranian - Lucifer's Army)


    Ми часто зображуємо духовне зростання істини чотирма кінцями хреста з тієї причини, що він ілюструє повний Духовний ріст Ісуса Христа, явлений у Мойсеєвій скинії. Духовний зріст (чотири кінці хреста) зображує духовний досвід, який ми отримуємо, коли досягаємо духовної зрілості в Ісусі Христі. Бог – наш головний Вчитель, використовує у своєму Слові символи, образи, натяки, притчі, метафори та алегорії, щоб проілюструвати Божественну Істину. Наприклад, коли синам Ізраїля потрібен був спосіб наближення та спілкування зі Святим Богом у пустелі, тоді Бог створив Мойсеєву скинію, яка була прообразом Сина Божого, Господа нашого Ісуса Христа. Learn More

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