Sermon 3123 - Бедро Свидетель Меч Имя Господне (Thigh Witness of the Sword of the LORD's Name)
$0.00Thigh Witness of the Sword of the LORD's Name....... (SAT PM 7/28/2012)
(Youth Convention) Revelation 19:7-16 talks about the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and the LORD Jesus Christ leaving Heaven to come back to Earth, with His Armies following Him, and on is Thigh a Name was written: KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS. God’s Word would be Worthless without the LORD’s Name supporting His Word. That is the difference between our word and God’s Word. People say they will do things and promise things, yet it never comes to pass. But God’s Word shall never pass away because it is supported by His Infinite Name. God’s Word is "yea,” and “amen.”
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Sermon 3124 - ОБУЧЕНИЕ маленького мальчика и младшую сестру (Training the Little Boy and the Little Sister)
$0.00ОБУЧЕНИЕ маленького мальчика и младшую сестру .............. (SUN AM 7/29/2012)
Иоанна 16:13-33 является учет Иисус и его ученики беседовали о себе, своем Отце и Святом Духе и Духом Святым (мужской и женский), так как они убедитесь, что Божество Едино (Фил. 2:5,6 ).Мать Духа Божия, но только Отец является Правитель и Хозяин Божества.Learn More