Search results for 'Forty-two Stops Israel Made On Their Journey From Egypt To Canaan'

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  1. Sermon 1540 - Ten Classes of Scars that Jesus Bore for Man - 6th Message…..(Sun pm 5/11/97)

    Sermon 1540 - Ten Classes of Scars that Jesus Bore for Man - 6th Message…..(Sun pm 5/11/97)


    In Revelation 3:14-18 is a command to anoint our eyes with eye-salve. The ground was cursed through Adam the First. The Second Adam, Jesus, removed the curse when He shed His Blood on the ground. His Blood sanctified the land, which included all the ground that man was made of. So, we have only to claim, by faith, what the LORD already has done for us — sanctified our ground that was cursed with thorns and briars. Learn More
  2. Sermon 1542A - Ten Classes of Scars that Jesus Bore for Man - 8th Message…..(Fri pm 5/16/97)

    Sermon 1542A - Ten Classes of Scars that Jesus Bore for Man - 8th Message…..(Fri pm 5/16/97)


    This is a continuation of the subject of Christ’s Scars and Wounds, with the emphasis being on His Wounds. In Romans 8:36, the Apostle Paul said that we are counted as sheep for the slaughter for Christ’s Sake. When we suffer for Christ’s Sake, His spiritual Wounds and Scars become our spiritual Drink and spiritual Bread. As we fellowship Christ’s Wounds and Scars, His Wounds and Scars swallow up the natural wounds and scars we experience mentally and emotionally, as well as physically, as we go through this life. Learn More
  3. Sermon 1547 - Ten Classes of Scars that Jesus Bore for Man - 14th Message…..(Fri pm 5/30/97)

    Sermon 1547 - Ten Classes of Scars that Jesus Bore for Man - 14th Message…..(Fri pm 5/30/97)


    This message completes the fourth main point on the Stature of Truth in Proverbs 9:10-12. This deals with Wisdom’s Instructions to her Guests. The guests are told the following things: (1) To fear the LORD is the beginning of Wisdom. (2) The Knowledge of the LORD’s Holy Name is the beginning of Understanding. [The Hebrew word for Holy is a masculine plural word; therefore, this is talking about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. They all have “Holies.” “Holies” Name.] Learn More
  4. Sermon 1553 - Bridal Wrestling - 6th Message…..(Thu am 7/3/97)

    Sermon 1553 - Bridal Wrestling - 6th Message…..(Thu am 7/3/97)


    (International Summer Convention). This lesson is a continuation of the study the unclean feminine spirits and the shade, sha-deem, devils that are part masculine, part feminine. Perverted means to be turning away from the Light, and it means going away from the Truth and the Light into darkness. Thus, perversion is not limited to the physical realm. If we have our minds in the wrong mental direction, we are controlled by these unclean spirits, and we obey them; then, we are joined to them just as people are in the natural realm, only in a different way.

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  5. Sermon 1559 - Eight Things About the Ber-eeth Blood Covenant - 1st Message…..(Sun am 7/13/97)

    Sermon 1559 - Eight Things About the Ber-eeth Blood Covenant - 1st Message…..(Sun am 7/13/97)


    (Communion Service) This message is the beginning of a series of studies about God’s Foursquare, Everlasting, Ber-eeth Blood Covenant, which He made before all creation. This Covenant cannot be acted upon from within nor from without. It cannot be acted upon by circumstances or situations.

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  6. Sermon 1561 - Eight Things About the Ber-eeth Blood Covenant - 3rd Message…..(Wed pm 7/23/97)

    Sermon 1561 - Eight Things About the Ber-eeth Blood Covenant - 3rd Message…..(Wed pm 7/23/97)


    In Matthew 26:26-28, Jesus said, “This is my blood of the new testament [new covenant, ber-eeth], which is shed for many for the remission of sins. The Ber-eeth Covenant is an Unbegotten Covenant. Before anything was created, the Unbegotten Father determined His Master Plan and Purposive Will. And, in the Master Plan and Purposive Will was the Ber-eeth Covenant.

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  7. Sermon 1568 - Eight Things About the Ber-eeth Blood Covenant - 7th Message…..(Sun am 8/17/97)

    Sermon 1568 - Eight Things About the Ber-eeth Blood Covenant - 7th Message…..(Sun am 8/17/97)


    This lesson continues with the Ber-eeth Covenant, which is the Father’s Covenant. It always has been in existence and has to do with Unity. All creation was in Unity in the Loins of God, and all will be in Unity, again, in the Perfect Age. The Bride is the Firstfruits of God’s creation to reach maturity or a Union with Jesus Christ. This means the rest of the harvest will ripen or mature also.

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  8. Sermon 1580 - The Baptism of the Holy Ghost, Acts 2:1-4…..(Sun am 10/5/97)

    Sermon 1580 - The Baptism of the Holy Ghost, Acts 2:1-4…..(Sun am 10/5/97)


    This message explains the Nature of the Spirit Jesus breathed on His Disciples when He told them to receive the Holy Ghost. While Jesus was with them, the Disciples spent time striving over who was going to be the greatest and who was going to get to sit on His Left Hand, and who was going to be on His Right Hand. Jesus could not give them the Dove Spirit that had descended on Him, personally, when He was baptized, but He breathed a Breath of the Dove’s Spirit on them. And, that Breath was so Powerful that it sanctified them and brought them into one accord and made them willing to go back to Jerusalem and tarry until they were endued with Power from on High. Learn More
  9. Sermon 1581 - Ephesians 4:11-13 - 1st Message…..(Tue pm 10/7/97)

    Sermon 1581 - Ephesians 4:11-13 - 1st Message…..(Tue pm 10/7/97)


    (Training Convention) There is a stairway of hearing, seeing, understanding with our Lover Heart, and doing with our will. We can hear, see, and even understand, but if we do not make a commitment with our will to do what is morally right, we will miss the New City. Learn More
  10. Sermon 1587 - Tabernacle and Temple…..(Sun am 10/26/97)

    Sermon 1587 - Tabernacle and Temple…..(Sun am 10/26/97)


    As believers, we have two hearts. We have an old heart, which we inherited from Adam the First, and we have a New Heart or New Man, which is created in the Image of Jesus Christ. Through spiritual education, our New Heart or New Man grows in the Son’s Spiritual Stature, which was pictured by the Old Testament Tabernacle. When our Spiritual Stature is mature in the Son, He puts us in touch with the Father Who, then, in our moral development, builds a Temple of Righteous Works in our body and our spirit, which are God’s possession. Learn More
  11. Sermon 1590 - Parables that Fit with the Seven Churches in Revelation and the Seven Pieces of Furniture in the Mosaic Tabernacle…..(Wed am 9/14/66)

    Sermon 1590 - Parables that Fit with the Seven Churches in Revelation and the Seven Pieces of Furniture in the Mosaic Tabernacle…..(Wed am 9/14/66)


    This message shows the correlation of the Parables in Matthew, chapter thirteen, the Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation, and the seven pieces of furniture in the Mosaic Tabernacle. Learn More
  12. Sermon 1591A - The Name of Jesus at the Golden Altar…..(Wed am 9/14/66)

    Sermon 1591A - The Name of Jesus at the Golden Altar…..(Wed am 9/14/66)


    The five ingredients of the Incense offered on the Golden Altar are a picture of the Name of Jesus that we take on in the Holy Place. Stacte was the part of the myrrh that dropped out voluntarily, as tears, when an incision was made in the tree. It is a picture of the broken side of the Humility of Jesus. Learn More
  13. Sermon 1598 - Four Classes of Fear - 3rd Message…..(Thu pm 11/6/97)

    Sermon 1598 - Four Classes of Fear - 3rd Message…..(Thu pm 11/6/97)


    (Mexico Convention) The Gate of the Tabernacle was twenty cubits wide; the Curtain in Solomon’s Temple was also twenty cubits wide. Mention is made of the four places of abode in Eternity in relation to thirty, sixty, and hundredfold fruitfulness.The main part of the message deals with the Hebrew word for Gate, Shaw-ar, in the Book of Proverbs. Proverbs 1:21 speaks of Wisdom crying at the openings of the Gates. Proverbs 8:3 says that Wisdom crieth at the Gates. Proverbs 14:19 speaks of the Gates of the righteous. And, Proverbs 31:23 says that the Husband of the Virtuous Woman, who is a picture the Bride, is known in the Gates.

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  14. Sermon 1605 - Jacob's Ladder - 6th Message…..(Sun am 1/11/98)

    Sermon 1605 - Jacob's Ladder - 6th Message…..(Sun am 1/11/98)


    This message continues to focus on the fourth rung of Jacob’s Ladder. Since the seven rungs on Jacob’s Ladder relate to the seven pieces of furniture in the Mosaic Tabernacle, this lesson deals with the Golden Candlestick, which represents the Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge found in God’s Word. First Corinthians 1:30 says that Christ Jesus is [present tense] made unto us Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption. Learn More
  15. Sermon 1606 - Jacob's Ladder - 7th Message…..(Wed pm 1/14/98)

    Sermon 1606 - Jacob's Ladder - 7th Message…..(Wed pm 1/14/98)


    The beginning of this message mentions the twenty-cubit wide Gate in the Mosaic Tabernacle and gives a review of the four colours in the hangings of this Gate and how they relate to the four letters of the LORD’s Name that represent the LORD’s Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, and Prudence of Choice. The colours in the Gate — blue, purple, scarlet, and white — also represent the four classes of reverential fear we are to have for the Father’s Name, Nature, Power, and Prudence. The Father is the One Who leads us to His Son, Jesus Christ, Whose mature Spiritual Stature is pictured by the seven pieces of furniture in the Mosaic Tabernacle. First Corinthians 1:30 says that Christ Jesus is made unto us Wisdom and Righteousness and Sanctification and Redemption. Learn More

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