Search results for 'Growing Up To The Fullness Of Eternal Life'

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  1. Sermon 1322A - Bride's Sabbatical Gratitude - 5th Message.....(Thur pm 3/17/1994)

    Sermon 1322A - Bride's Sabbatical Gratitude - 5th Message.....(Thur pm 3/17/1994)


    (1994 Ministerial Convention) In Matthew 12:18-20, Jesus said that He would not break a bruised reed nor quench a smoking flax. This message shows His gratitude and respect for small life and small light even in the natural realm.

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  2. Sermon 1350A - Ten Things Which Come Out of the Throne - 3rd Message.....(Thu pm 10/13/1994)

    Sermon 1350A - Ten Things Which Come Out of the Throne - 3rd Message.....(Thu pm 10/13/1994)


    (1994 Training Convention) This message skips to the ninth thing that comes out of the Throne, which is the Slain Lamb that is mentioned in Revelation 5:1-5. This also pertains to the ninth Commandment: “Thou shalt not bear false witness.”

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  3. Sermon 1352F - Communion Message On Bread-Life And Blood-Life....(Sun am 10/239/1994)

    Sermon 1352F - Communion Message On Bread-Life And Blood-Life....(Sun am 10/239/1994)


    (Communion Service) In Leviticus 17:10-14, God forbade man to eat any manner of blood, for the life of the flesh is in the blood. This message discusses the nephesh’ soul’s Blood-Life and the nephesh animal blood. It discusses seven classes of Bread-Life and four classes of Blood-Life on the Communion Table in John, chapter six. In Matthew 26:26-28, the Disciples were eating Christ-Bread.

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  4. Sermon 1376A - Heart Where Treasure Is - 4th Message.....(Sun am 3/26/1995)

    Sermon 1376A - Heart Where Treasure Is - 4th Message.....(Sun am 3/26/1995)


    We have two choices. We can love Light and hate darkness, or we can hate Light and love darkness. The Bible says, “[W]hatsoever doth make manifest is light” (Ephesians 5:13).

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  5. Sermon 1381A - My, I, Me, Mine in Psalm 23 - 5th Message.....(Sun am 5/21/1995)

    Sermon 1381A - My, I, Me, Mine in Psalm 23 - 5th Message.....(Sun am 5/21/1995)


    This message shows the relationship between Psalm 23 and Philippians 4:13. “TheLORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Consequently, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”  All things means This (positive) and That (negative) of the Torah-Truth.

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  6. Sermon 1399C - Ministering to the LORD's Name - 5th Message.....(Sun pm 9/10/1995)

    Sermon 1399C - Ministering to the LORD's Name - 5th Message.....(Sun pm 9/10/1995)


    As we walk through this life, our feet become defiled by the dust of rejection. After we are baptized, once, in the Waters of the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ, we must go back, daily, to the Laver of Christ’s Water that is joined to His Circumcision Blood, by faith, and let His Name, which is like a Knife, cut away the dust of rejection. Then, we can go forth with clean feet to minister to the LORD and to others, according to His Purposive Will.

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  7. Sermon 1604 - Difference Between Crucifixion and Mortification - 1st Message.....(Sun am 8/4/1991)

    Sermon 1604 - Difference Between Crucifixion and Mortification - 1st Message.....(Sun am 8/4/1991)


    There is a difference between crucifixion and mortification. But if we do not understand the difference, then we cannot obey God’s Word that tells us that our old man is to be crucified (Romans 6:6) and that we are to mortify the deeds of the body (Romans 8:13). The Cross represents crucifixion. And when Jesus Christ died on Calvary’s Cross, two thieves and two malefactors were being crucified on four crosses surrounding His Cross. So there is one kind of crucifixion for the LORD, and there is another kind for us.

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  8. Sermon 1612 - Difference Between Crucifixion and Mortification - 2nd Message.....(Thu pm 8/8/1991)

    Sermon 1612 - Difference Between Crucifixion and Mortification - 2nd Message.....(Thu pm 8/8/1991)


    (Youth Convention) God’s Word tells us to crucify our flesh and to mortify our flesh. Therefore, it is important for us to understand that crucifixion of the flesh is what happens while one is living, whereas the mortification of the flesh is something that happens after death occurs.

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  9. Sermon 1613B - Difference Between Crucifixion and Mortification - 4th Message.....(Sat pm 8/10/1991)

    Sermon 1613B - Difference Between Crucifixion and Mortification - 4th Message.....(Sat pm 8/10/1991)


    (Youth Convention)  The malefactors who hung on the east and west sides of Jesus Christ’s Cross represent the thing in us that breaks the Headship of the LORD. The thieves, who hung on the south and north sides, represent the thing in us that steals the Light and the Strength of the Word. They all died on their crosses. Only the malefactor on the east side embraced his cross and repented and got it changed to a blue cross that represents the revealed Word of God. And only he came up with new Resurrection Life.

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  10. Sermon 2631 - The Blood-Way - 1st Message.....(Sun am 8/26/2007)

    Sermon 2631 - The Blood-Way - 1st Message.....(Sun am 8/26/2007)


    God, the Unbegotten Father, is the Source of all things, and He always starts at  the top and comes down. But we cannot start where God starts. We have to grow up in the Spiritual Stature of Son of God. Then, when we come down to the Throne of Grace, we come to the LORD’s foursquare Name, which was personified by the four horns of the Brazen Altar.

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  11. Sermon 2820 - Growing in the Vaw of the LORD's Name.....(Thu am 7/30/2009)

    Sermon 2820 - Growing in the Vaw of the LORD's Name.....(Thu am 7/30/2009)


    (Mexico Retreat ). Roman 8:26 says: “[T]he Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” The Unbegotten Spirit of God groans and repents for all our offenses against the depth, the height, the length, and the breadth of His Infinite Name. When we get through the whole matter of Time, Eternity, Creation, we are back to the LORD’s Name. The LORD God started with Himself, His Name. He owed a debt to make His Name known. Consequently, He begot His Purposive Will and His Master Plan.

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  12. Sermon 2823 - Seal of Groaning, Aw-Nakh Intercession.....(Fri pm 8/07/2009)

    Sermon 2823 - Seal of Groaning, Aw-Nakh Intercession.....(Fri pm 8/07/2009)


    The Hebrew word for groan, aw-nakh, means to be filled with anguish. Groaning is a depth of prayer that has to do with the depths and the heights of the LORD’s tetragrammaton, His Holy Name. There are vessels of mercy and vessels of wrath (Romans 8:22,23). The cup of Mercy is almost full, and the cup of wrath is almost full. When these two cups fill up, the cup of Mercy is going up, and the cup of wrath is going down. So the vessels of wrath’s full cup will demonstrate itself in their allegiance and service and idolatrous worship of the Antichrist.

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  13. Sermon 2827 - Sharing Experiential Tears in Eternity-Future....(Sun am 8/23/2009)

    Sermon 2827 - Sharing Experiential Tears in Eternity-Future....(Sun am 8/23/2009)


    Psalm 58:8 says: “Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?” Tears are the liquid life of our soul. There are two sides to tears. First of all, they are written in a book. Precious are the tears that are written in God’s Book. Malachi 3:16 tells us that they are written in the Book of Remembrance. “Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name. ”It is not the physical water that comes out of our eyes that gets written in His Book.

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  14. Sermon 2829 - Father's Covering of Love....(Sun pm 9/06/2009)

    Sermon 2829 - Father's Covering of Love....(Sun pm 9/06/2009)


    Proverbs 10:12 says, “Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins. ” We are saved by the Blood, Fire, and Water of the Crucified Christ, which was pictured in type and shadow by God’s deliverance of Israel out of Egypt by the lamb’s blood, by the Cloud and Fire, and by opening the waters of the Red Sea. After our salvation, we grow and minister in the Son’s Spiritual Stature by following the order that was established in the Mosaic Tabernacle in the wilderness. Before the Priests could minister in the Old Testament Tabernacle, they had to wash their hands and feet in the Waters at the Brazen Laver in the Courtyard. Then, they could go to the Brazen Altar and offer the blood sacrifice.

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  15. Sermon 2830 - Everything Must Be Covered (Psalm 91) - 1st Message....(Sun pm 9/06/2009)

    Sermon 2830 - Everything Must Be Covered (Psalm 91) - 1st Message....(Sun pm 9/06/2009)


    In the Son’s realm, we go on for God by crucifying our flesh. In the Father’s realm, everything must be covered through Love. The Principle of dwelling and abiding in the secret place is mentioned in the first verse of Psalm 91. This Psalm has twelve pairs of scales that fit with the twelve Governmental Names. If we dwell (yaw-shab, which means to sit and judge) in the secret place of the Most High, then our reward will be to abide under the shadow or vail, the vail-shadow. Then, there is the shadow that goes with the Hebrew word maw-veth, which is the Shadow of Death that is mentioned in Psalm 23:1-4. The Shadow of Death is the Shadow of God’s Hands. His Hands are personified by wings, which has to do with His Feather Government.

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