Search results for 'Growing Up To The Fullness Of Eternal Life'
Growing Up To The Fullness Of Eternal Life
$4.95 As low as: $3.71This booklet summarizes the glorious Truth of the spiritual Stature of Jesus Christ from the widely read and inspiring book, Precious Gem In the Tabernacle. The pieces of furniture in the Mosaic Tabernacle are laid out in the form of the cross. Learn More -
Growing Up To The Fullness Of Eternal Life (Workbook)
$8.00This correspondence course/study guide was developed from the text, Growing Up to the Fullness of Eternal Life, written by Rev. B. R. Hicks and was produced through the Christ Gospel Bible Institute. Its intended purpose is for the perpetuation of Christian ministries with emphasis on personal, spiritual growth in God, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Learn More -
Growing In God (Free Download)
$0.00This small booklet shows clearly the living spiritual experiences we receive as we grow up in the spiritual Stature of the LORD Jesus Christ. This booklet reveals one of the LORD’s basic Biblical doctrines, which is prayer, fasting, and study of God’s Word, in order to grow in the spiritual Stature of the LORD Jesus Christ.
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Sermon 1390A - Revelation 3:18, Counsel, Buy, Anoint - 9th Message.....(Sun am 7/9/1995)
$5.00(International Convention) The Bible says that the Tree of Life in the New City grows out of the River of Life. The River of Life is really the gratitude of the Holy Spirit that comes out of the eyes of the Lamb and flows down under the Throne and out through the middle of the New City. So life is gratitude.
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Sermon 2840 - Why Jesus Is the Highest Name - 2nd Message.....(Fri pm 10/23/2009)
$5.00The text of this message is found in Romans 5:1-10 and Luke 2:40. The First Adam missed it in the Garden; he sinned. The Bible says, “[B]y one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Romans 5:12). So by one man, sin entered into the world, and it reigned until the Second Adam came. Then the Second Adam, Jesus Christ, had to take on Humanity. Christ, the Son of God, the Wisdom-Word, was begotten, and Christ was “Truthed up” by the Father. So the Wisdom-Word knew all His Father’s Purposive Will and His Master Plan. The Divine Son could not come and be our Redeemer and our Saviour and take our place because He could not die. But He came and took on Humanity, and that Humanity was called “Jesus.” The Christ took on holy Humanity.
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Sermon 2847 - Growing Pearls of Gratitude - 1st Message.....(Wed am 11/04/2009)
$5.00(Mexico Ministerial Retreat) In the Father’s realm, we must gain a Seal of Experience in order to be in the 144,000. We have been owned servants, aw-bad servants, twice, by Jesus Christ. Out of one drop of Blood, He created us. And out of another drop of Blood, He purchased our Salvation, our Redemption! So we have been purchased outside and inside with His precious Blood! We must get our twelve Gates of Ingratitude converted into twelveGates of Gratitude in our City within. We gain the gratitude of the Son to do the Will of the Father in the Out-Pasture, at Calvary’s Cross.
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Sermon 2856 - Question in First John 1:7-10.....(Sun pm 12/6/2009)
$5.00In the first chapter of the First Epistle of John, the Apostle talked about walking in the Light. This is the ore Light of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “[I] am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). So the Apostle John was talking about Brotherhood Light and Brotherhood Blood, which applies to all things that prevent unity and oneness under the Cross of Calvary. Since the Blood of Jesus has closed the gap between Jew and Gentile, He can close the little tiny gaps in the Broth-erhood, collectively. If we stand under the Feet of Jesus Christ, and if we refuse to allow those little gaps to be moved out by the Blood that flows from His Heel, we are crucifying Jesus afresh and anew because we are saying that the first Blood that He shed is not sufficient to close the gap. It is not what we are doing to our husband or wife, our children, our parents, or one another; it is what we are doing to the ore Light and the Blood.
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Sermon 2862 - Why Christ Came to Bethlehem to a Manager - 6th Message.....(Tue pm 12/22/2009)
$5.00(Employee Luncheon) Job 26:7 says: “He [referring to God] stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.” In English, we would interpret nothing as something that is nonexistent. But in Hebrew,nothing goes back to air. And what is air? Breath. The Creation rests upon God’s Breath. To hang on God’s Breath means that we have to be submissive to Him. To hang on God’s Breath means that we have to have silent resignation to His Will, to His Way of doing things. It means that we have to have tranquil trust in His Breath.This is an infinite, eternal Principle that is found from Genesis to Revelation.
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Sermon 2866 - The Principle of the Blood Crying Out - 1st Message.....(Fri pm 01/01/2010)
$5.00(New Year’s Day, Communion) The message discusses the Principle of moving from one plateau to the next, spiritually. It also quotes Matthew 26:26-29, in which Jesus shared the first Communion with His Disciples.
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Sermon 1460 - Song of Solomon - 4th Message…..(Sat pm 7/20/96)
$5.00(Holland Convention): This lesson continues with the study of the word draw in the Song of Solomon 1:3,4. This word speaks of our giving up all our past thoughts and relationships and giving our life completely to the LORD so that someone else can find Eternal Life through us. Draw, mawshak also means to sow.
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Sermon 1466 - Lucifer - 2nd Message…..(Sun pm 8/11/96)
$5.00Ephesians 6:10: This message first reviews part of the Holland Convention and deals with the tears we are to shed over the Eternal Seed. We are not to cry over the "soil” but the Seed. There are different kinds of soils, as recorded in the Parable of the Sower. Then, the message continued with Ephesians 6:10 which gives us the way to overcome Sawtawn’s opposition to God’s Headship in our life — which is to be strong in the Power (Oze) and Might of Christ’s Headship. There is Power only in His Headship. Our headship has no power.
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Sermon 1507 - Jesus, The Firstborn - 7th Message…..(Tue pm 12/31/96)
$5.00(New Year’s Eve Service) This Message is a continuation of the Stature of Truth about Jesus, the Firstborn. (I) The Firstborn is the Prophet, Priest, and King of many brethren. (II) The Firstborn is the Prophet, Priest, and King of Every creature, all creation. (III) The Firstborn is the Prophet, Priest, and King of the Dead. And, (IV) The Firstborn is the Prophet, Priest, and King of the Church, His Body. Learn More