Sermon 2842 - The Spirit of Truth - 2nd Message.....(Sun pm 10/25/2009)

Sermon 2842 - The Spirit of Truth - 2nd Message.....(Sun pm 10/25/2009)

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Quick Overview

This message reviews what is said in Romans 5:20,21 about sin abounding and Grace much more abounding, and it discusses God’s Way. The word for way, in Hebrew, is deh-rek, which means a well-trodden way. God Himself, the Heavenly Father, the Infinite, Unbegotten God, before He had His Son, walked up and down in His Purposive Will thinking and meditating about how He was going to create and how He would allow Creation to go astray and how He would beget a Son, the Word of God, the Wisdom-Word, that would come down and redeem a lost world. So the Way was the LORD’s Purposive Will. Then, when God brought His Son to birth, God began to reveal His Master Plan through Truth.

Sermon 2842 - The Spirit of Truth - 2nd Message.....(Sun pm 10/25/2009)


This message reviews what is said in Romans 5:20,21 about sin abounding and Grace much more abounding, and it discusses God’s Way. The word for way, in Hebrew, is deh-rek, which means a well-trodden way. God Himself, the Heavenly Father, the Infinite, Unbegotten God, before He had His Son, walked up and down in His Purposive Will thinking and meditating about how He was going to create and how He would allow Creation to go astray and how He would beget a Son, the Word of God, the Wisdom-Word, that would come down and redeem a lost world. So the Way was the LORD’s Purposive Will. Then, when God brought His Son to birth, God began to reveal His Master Plan through Truth.

There are two words that are used over and over, together, in God’s Word: Grace (kheh-sed) and Truth (eh-meth).If we trace eh-meth back to its root word, aw-man, we see that the Hebrew root word means faithfulness. God’s Truth can do, in us and for us, what we cannot do for ourselves. Kheh-sed simply means God’s Love.

In John 14:16,17, Jesus said, “[I] will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” John 1:14-17 tells us that the Word was made Flesh. So through His Son, Jesus Christ, God shows His Grace and Truth. We have Jesus Christ, the Living Wisdom-Word, the Truth. Then, God sent the Spirit of Truth to convict us and convince us of our sin and to be our Comforter.

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SKU SER-2842
Pages 13
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