Full Set Of July Convention 2013 Notes
The Trumpet Soundo The Trumpet Sound Of The Sho-far Horn
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o Notes on the Mouth
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God's Headship
$27.25 As low as: $20.44The LORD’s Purpose for the entire Bible is to reveal His Holy Name, which is His Sovereign, Supreme Headship. The Hebrew word for head is roshe, which means the beginning, the captain, the chief, the excellent, the forefront, the highest part, the principal, the ruler, the top.
In the natural realm, the LORD God created man with a head so that he could lead, guide, and direct all of the natural Creation under God’s Infinite, Divine Headship. Man’s head is the seat of his mind, reason, memory, and intelligence.
When God created Adam and put him in the Garden of Eden, He appointed him to be the head not only over the Garden but also over all Creation, but Adam was to rule according to God’s Infinite, Divine Headship. Thus, man’s head was always to be under subjection to God’s Head.
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Grace Notes (March Convention 2013)
$12.00Additional Notes for March Convention.
I. The Unbegotten LORD’s Name of His Wisdom and Omnipresent Love is revealedthrough His Grace that He has bestowed in His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, HisWisdom Love.The Hebrew word for Grace is kheh-sed, which means kindness, piety, beauty, good deedsfavour, goodness, loving-kindness, merciful, benignity, benevolent, gracious, godly, holy, love,charity, compassion, faithful, constant mercy, gracefulness, desire, ardor, zeal toward anyone, toturn, or incline.I. The Unbegotten LORD’s Name of His Wisdom and Omnipresent Love is revealed through His Grace that He has bestowed in His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, His Wisdom Love.
The Hebrew word for Grace is kheh-sed, which means kindness, piety, beauty, good deeds favour, goodness, loving-kindness, merciful, benignity, benevolent, gracious, godly, holy, love, charity, compassion, faithful, constant mercy, gracefulness, desire, ardor, zeal toward anyone, to turn, or incline.
Intercessory Prayer Notes
$15.00The Ten Commandments And The Ten Levels Of Intercessory Prayer
There are ten special kinds of Intercessory prayer that fit together with the Ten Commandments of Moses.
The first commandment, “I am the LORD thy God” fits together with baw-kash Intercession.
I. I am the LORD thy God
1. Baw-kash Intercession
The Hebrew word baw-kash means to seek after the LORD in worship, to apply for an oracle, to strive after, to beseech, to desire, to make inquisition, to procure, to seek after, to require, to demand, to supplicate, to be sought, to petition.
The first commandment recognizes the Supreme, Sovereignty of God. Since the LORD God rescued Israel out of the bondage and slavery of Egypt, He has a moral claim on their gratitude and obedience as their Benefactor and their Redeemer...
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July Convention Notes 2014
$35.00 As low as: $26.25The Sixteen Realms Of God’s Infinite, Divine Power
The LORD’s Infinite, Divine Power is revealed through His sixteen different realms of Power. His Power is denoted by His Divine Ability, Force, and Strength that includes His Infinite, Divine Subordinate Execution of His Sovereign, Superior Purposive Will.
The LORD’s Divine Authority has sufficient Divine Energy to make us to see, to perceive, and to do His Purposive Will. The Unbegotten LORD and Father has the Divine Dominion or Right to rule over His Eternal Empire. Consequently, the Powers of the world to come are the mighty influences and miraculous operations of the Holy Ghost.
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July Convention Notes 2015-[ The Breastplate Of The High Priest ]
$18.50 As low as: $13.88The Breastplate of the High Priest in the Old Testament was a splendrous ornament that covered the High Priest’s breast.
God’s instruction to Moses said that the Breastplate was to be made of a richly embroidered cloth in which twelve precious stones were to be set in four rows. Each stone was to be engraved with the name of one of the twelve Tribes of Israel.
The composition of this Breastplate is described in Exodus 28:15-30
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July Convention Notes 2015-[ The Parable Of The Talents ]
$13.50 As low as: $10.13Jesus taught many great Parables for the purpose of revealing His Truth to some, while hiding it from others.
One of Christ’s greatest Parables was the “Parable of the Talents.” In this Parable, Jesus compared the Kingdom of Heaven to a man traveling into a far country who, when he was ready to leave the country, delivered his talents to three different servants. The first servant received five talents, the second servant received two talents, and the third servant received one talent. The number of talents that each of the three servants received was based upon their respective abilities to double them.
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March Convention 2011
$20.00The Book of Proverbs is a revelation of the LORD’s foursquare Name: Wisdom (yod), Understanding (first hay), Knowledge (vaw), and Prudence (second hay). It concludes with a flow of the LORD’s tetragrammaton, His Holy Name, in chapters thirty and thirty-one. The entire Book of Proverbs is a treatise that instructs us in moral conduct concerning what to do and what not to do.
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March Convention Notes - 2013 ( includes Bridge Of Forgiveness diagram)
$30.00Includes the "Bridge Of Forgiveness" diagram (last page).
The Union Of The Begotten Name Of The Son Of God, Yehovah, With The Unbegotten Name Of The Father, Yehovah
First, this chapter deals with King David’s personal, spiritual experience with the LORD’s Tetragrammaton, His Holy Name, and David’s enemies, which included King Saul, who had subjected him to great persecution. However, the LORD miraculously delivered David from all of them.
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March Ministerial Notes 2015
$20.00 As low as: $15.00The LORD’s divine reason for being anointed with the LORD’s Holy Anointing Oil was especially for the consecration of a person, place, or thing to God for His Work and use. The word anoint means to pour oil upon a person, a place, or a thing for sacred purposes.
Under the Old Testament Covenant, the anointing with the Anointing Oil was done in the case of installing the following persons in their offices and ministries:
- Jewish Priests,
- Jewish Kings,
- Jewish Prophets, and ultimately,
- the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ.
The Mosaic Tabernacle and everything in it was also to be anointed in order to consecrate all its furniture and utensils to be used in God’s service.
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The LORD's Power (gheb-oo-raw) In The Old Testament And The LORD's Power (gheb-oo-raw) In The New Testament
$18.50 As low as: $13.88The LORD’s Might, Strength, and Power (gheb-oo-raw) is the subject of this study that gives several examples of God’s gift of His Power (gheb-oo-raw) to people in the Old Testament. The LORD’s gheb-oo-raw Might and Power are also revealed under the New Covenant in the New Testament. Learn More -
The Mental Wheel Of Man's Being
$25.00A wheel consists of a circular frame or solid disc that turns on an axis. The essential feature of a wheel is rotation. Man’s Mental Wheel transmits the continual motion of thoughts and think- ings.
Man’s Mental Wheel of thoughts and thinkings supports all his actions and deeds by the abil- ity of his mental wheel to rotate.
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